Hypnobirthing for Caesarean
A planned caesarean birth course includes:​
Two 2.5-3 hour sessions
Held in the convenience and comfort of your own home, at dates and times suitable for your schedule
Course content designed specifically for planned/elective caesarean birth, tailored to your specific needs and wishes
In-course guided hypnosis
Caesarean-specific hypnobirthing audio track (recorded by Chloe, whose voice will be familiar)
Full course materials provided
Ongoing support by email and phone up to the birth
10% off other Hello Baby services, including antenatal classes and private midwifery appointments

What is covered?​​
Caesarean birth: what to expect before, during and immediately afterwards
Gentle caesarean birth
The role of hormones
Creating a positive mindset
Caesarean birth affirmations
Relaxation techniques including self-hypnosis
Breathing techniques
Caesarean birth environment
Birth preferences / plan
Birth partner support: working together
Informed consent and making choices
Navigating the unexpected
Any particular concerns you or your partner may have