Recommended pregnancy, birth and baby services you can trust.

Independent Midwifery
Registered, practising midwife of 12 years and co-founder of Hello Baby, Hannah offers private antenatal and postnatal appointments tailored to your needs.
07763 487 456

Experienced hypnobirthing practitioner of five years and co-founder of Hello Baby, Chloe teaches 1:1 First Time, Refresher and Caesarean courses in your home.
07908 188 600​

Doula Support
Antenatal educator, hypnobirthing practitioner and co-founder of Hello Baby, Chloe is offering support for birth and the postnatal period from March 2025.
07908 188 600
Postnatal Services

Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)
& Tongue Tie Practitioner
Suzanne is an experienced midwife who supports parents with infant feeding challenges and carries out tongue tie assessments and divisions.
07763 487 456

Baby Carrier/ Sling
& Cloth Nappy Library
Lending library offering a selection of reusable nappies and baby carriers/slings. Get support, safety information and fitting guidance from an experienced team.

Doula &
Overnight Support
Siobhan is an experienced doula providing families with birth and postnatal support, including overnight.​​
07949 770 020
Holistic Services

Sarah is an experienced reflexologist specialising in pregnancy and the postnatal period. Appointments take place at Sarah's private clinic in Bushey.
07974 250 000

Holistic Massage
Anna-Louise is an experienced holistic massage therapist, qualified in pregnancy massage and with a special interest in treating and supporting new parents.
Instagram @drift_holistic_massage
​07811 282 068

Herbal Clinic
Personalised herbal medicine for the whole family. Expert advice, premium supplements, holistic health products and a range of complimentary therapies.
01923 224 090

Martine (Dip Ac, Dip CHM, MBAcC, MRCHM, BAMBA) is an experienced acupuncturist specialising in women's health, pregnancy and postnatal support.
07773 758 868

Scar Massage Therapist
Caesarean scar massage specialist Hannah helps women improve the look and feel of their abdomen / scar through in-person treatment and online courses.
07951 715 210
Medical Services

Private GP
Family medicine with a regular GP, ensuring continuity of care. Private clinic appointments and home visits available.​
020 3818 9240​
Family First Aid
Experienced paramedic Saul and a team of qualified, medical professionals provide individual and group baby and child first aid training courses.
020 8125 7003​

Sports Therapy
Sonal is an experienced Sports Therapist, specialising in antenatal / postnatal care through exercise. Helping pregnant / new mums move more and stay injury free.​​
07506 687 481

Ultrasound Scanning
Clinical diagnostic and ultrasound scanning services by world-renowned specialist sonographer Bill Smith OBE.​
020 8732 3070​

Women's Health Physio
A group of specialist women's pelvic health physiotherapists. with clinics in N/NW London, treating all pelvic / pelvic floor issues, including labour preparation. ​
07432 223 188​

EMDR Trauma Therapist
Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Vicki Hill, offers EMDR therapy. This evidence-based, rapid approach may benefit those experiencing birth trauma.​
07815 061 330​
Pre and Postnatal Exercise

Sarah is a Level 3 Mat Pilates instructor, with a Level 3 Pre- and Postnatal Exercise qualification, offering group and individual Pilates classes.​
07794 123 683​

Sheena is a very experienced instructor with a specialist qualification in pregnancy yoga, offering group pregnancy yoga and postnatal 'mum and baby' yoga classes.
Instagram @befreeloveyoga​

Personal Trainer
Pre- and postnatal qualified PT Bianca specialises in training mums and mums-to-be, and runs supportive group workout classes where mums can bring their baby.​​
Instagram @bfit.with.b
07380 312 664
Activities with Baby

Sing & Sign
Award winning baby signing classes, encouraging speech and language development through singing, signing and sensory classes run by Emily and Rosie.​
07404 420 682​